
Paid episode

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Coming Attractions

A Teaser of the Trailer for "The Incredible Story of The Encyclopedia of Cocktails."

For the past three months, Mary Kate, myself and my son Asher Simonson—who graduated last May from SUNY Binghamton as a film studies major—have been working on a short film to help publicize my upcoming book The Encyclopedia of Cocktails, which will be released on Oct. 17. It’s a sort of mock trailer, as if the book were an upcoming movie.

The above clip is a teaser for the full film, which will run somewhere between 75 and 90 seconds, and will drop on Oct. 16, the day before the book hits the shelves. (Editing is still underway.) Asher—who was director, cameraman, editor, lighting designer and co-writer of the script—is the kid in the sunglasses, putting in his own Hitchcock cameo at the F line’s 7th Avenue station.

The Mix with Robert Simonson is a reader-supported publication. Mockumentary trailers don’t make themselves. So please support my work, and consider becoming a paid subscriber.

Because I don’t want to spoil any of the surprises, I won’t say more about the film, other than it was shot in multiple locations; will feature a familiar face or two from the craft cocktail demimonde; and may remind you of the style of a certain filmmaker.

I will, however, offer a few outtakes for your amusements. (See below.)

The full video is for paid subscribers