This little newsletter got some big news yesterday!
The Mix With Robert Simonson was nominated by Tales of the Cocktail for a 2023 Spirited Award as Best Cocktail & Spirits Publication. The full list of nominees is below:
Best Cocktail & Spirits Publication presented by Tales of the Cocktail Foundation
CLASS Magazine
Difford’s Guide
Drinks International
Guest Check by SPILL
The Cocktail Lovers Magazine
The Mix With Robert Simonson
The Spirits Business
This honor means a great deal to our little crew over here. We began this enterprise 18 months ago with the simple idea of writing about a wide array of subjects we felt passionate about, with a sense of fun and curiosity (and no commercial or corporate agenda), all expressed in a personal voice, and delivered in the blind hope that somebody out there might want to read some of it. It’s been a labor of love ever since. To see our efforts recognized means more than you can imagine.
To Tales of the Cocktail we offer our heartfelt thanks and gratitude. (My book Modern Classic Cocktails also received a nomination, so thanks for that, too!) But we owe a greater debt to our subscribers, who are loyal and dedicated and kind and generous! You helped to make this happen. And thanks again to Mark Ward for his invaluable help in graphic design (he creates every virtual brass plaque for Bar Regulars), and the illustrations of Dave Stolte and Koren Shadmi.
As for those who only just learned that The Mix existed when they read that TOTC press release, and are asking themself “What’s the buzz? Tell me what’s a-happening?” (sorry, I used to write about the theater), it’s never too late to find out. May I draw your attention to the below button? ⬇️
Did you read it? Have you subscribed yet? No? Well, take your time. In the meantime, paid subscribers, I have something to tell you about beach plum cocktails….