Shedding a little more light on the New York papaya/hot dog phenomenon:

Papaya King at 86th & 3rd is the original, the grandaddy of them all — I believe it goes back to the early '30s. I've been eating there since 1972 or so, when I was just a toddler and I'd walk over with my dad. I can verify that the neon sign has been there as long as I can remember, and the "our frankfurters are tastier than filet mignon" signs as well. Apart from that, it's actually a little cleaner than it used to be. There was also an outpost a block away (87th & 3rd, on the east side of the street) that had a counter and luncheonette-style seats. It also had a lot of flies, which is why I didn't go there as much. It closed in the late '80s, if I recall correctly.

Gray's Papaya, Papaya Dog and the rest are all knockoffs of Papaya King and NOT affiliated. Gray's at 72nd & Broadway has been there since, I believe, 1975, and thank goodness, it survives relatively unchanged, "Recession Special" and all. The one at 8th St. and 6th Ave., which sustained me through much of the late '80s, is sadly gone. I think there are still Papaya Dogs at West 23rd and West 4th, and they've both been there at least 20-25 years. Papaya King itself expanded at one point — it had another spot on St. Marks Place for a few years, and maybe one other besides. But 86th & 3rd is the last one standing, and most likely not for long.

It's funny, I never thought that the papaya drink/hot dog combo was weird, probably because I've been eating and drinking it all my life. If you had to ask me to explain it, I'd probably say that the enzymes in the papaya drink help you digest whatever the hot dog is made of. Also, in the early '30s, there was a craze in New York for all things Hawaiian and tropical, so that may have played into it as well. I think the combination is delicious, personally.

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Thanks for all this insight from a native New Yorker!

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Happy National Hot Dog Day! 🌭

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Man...this was always a must when we visited the city. Weird to think it going extinct. Glad you got to enjoy!

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I’ve always enjoyed any of these hot dog/papaya joints since discovering them in the late 70’s. Always loved hot dogs and have had a penchant for tropical beverages, especially since discovering Polynesian “tiki” drinks in the early 70’s. And the neon signage, of course. Sorry to see this one go, although I never spent that much time in the Upper East Side. There goes the neighborhood!

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FWIW, I think Chelsea Papaya at the corner of 23rd St and 7th Ave is still operating.

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Weird, weird, weird. I never understood papaya juice and salty weiners. Alas, another one bites the dust.

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