
Talk about getting back on the bike again! But this was like an old timey bike, Eric! It had been so long. Great book, BTW, I just started it, but I’m really enjoying your yarn.

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Jun 16Liked by Mary Kate Murray

Thanks, MK! Lmk what you think once you've finished.

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Will do! 👏👏👏

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Jun 21Liked by Robert Simonson, Mary Kate Murray

As a theater artist and cocktail lover, this article really speaks to me. Not the least because I have some personal connection with the material. I was a student of Robert’s mother at the small town high school she taught at in the 80s. She was an amazing human being who continually worked to show us--a bunch of hayseed kids from a small farm town in SE Wisconsin--that we were talented and could dream beyond the boundaries of that little town.

When I was a junior in that high school, she arranged for our “show choir” to perform in a competition/showcase in NYC. For the theater focused kids in the choir, like myself and a several friends, this was beyond thrilling. We dreamed of being arty urbanites, living bohemian lives in New York. Robert was a chaperone on that trip, and at some point graciously took a few of us under his wing. Or we just glommed onto him, the cool, slightly older college guy who seemed to know exactly where to go and how to be (at least to us) very cool. It almost certainly was the latter, but Robert (or Bobby, as we called him), was very patient and welcoming and made us feel very cool and grown up for a couple of days. Also, I can’t say for certain, but the picture included in this post looks very similar to some from that trip…at worst, it’s the same year. And it’s certainly the Robert I remember from that trip.

Reading this post and seeing that picture brought back a flood of memories about that trip. And it also reminded me of the deep impact it had on me, and the even deeper impact Robert’s mother had on me and my friends. I take things she taught me on stage with me even today, and into the rehearsal room as I follow in her footsteps as the theatre director at a local (albeit urban) high school. And while I’m sure, Robert, that you don’t remember me from Adam after all these years, it might surprise you how deep of an impact those few days in NYC had on me. I was a different person after I came back, and likely wouldn’t be doing what I do now if they hadn’t happened and you hadn’t been a part of them. So I will raise a digital Vieux Carre filled Nick & Nora glass to you and your family sir!

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I remember that trip very well! And everyone on it. It had a big impact on me as well. And you are right. That photo is from that very trip. Thank you for bringing up my mother and saying such kind things about her. She was a very special person and I miss her every day. She loved teaching music and drama and did her best to far a connection with every student. She would be happy to hear that she had succeeded in some respect. I can’t tell from your handle, but what is your name?

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Jun 21Liked by Robert Simonson, Mary Kate Murray

Dave Pausch. Nice to say hello again!

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I recall! We ate at Howard Johnson’s in Times Square, now gone. The hotel we stayed at is gone, too. I was impressed my mom organized that all.

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Jun 21Liked by Robert Simonson, Mary Kate Murray

As impressive as that was, it was not as impressive as our maroon polyester show choir outfits with ruffled shirts. We were the show choir equivalent to Ron Weasley attending the Yule Ball...🤣

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Thanks, Dave for sharing your story. Our mom was a force of nature. We knew that growing up, and we're so happy she had such a positive effect on you. Since you published your post, Bobby and I have had a chance to share a few more memories -- always a good time.

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Jun 16Liked by Robert Simonson, Mary Kate Murray

My friend Nick and I were the readers that took "Summer in a Day" to Atlantic City. Hope to make it over to Wildwood someday. Can't wait to read through the Encyclopedia, and your brother's book sounds cool too!

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Wow! So glad you visited AC! My ancestral home. Lolz.

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It was great meeting you. Thanks for coming by my table at BCB!

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Thanks, Greg! Hope you like it.

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Jun 14Liked by Robert Simonson, Mary Kate Murray

I enjoyed this interview with your brother. I just got my copy of Eric’s book last week and am looking forward to reading it soon. Also, Eric’s martini is my go-to… except I prefer a twist to olives (although I love olives, I don’t love then in my martini).

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I hope you like the book. Let me know what you think when you're done with it.

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I agree- love olives, just on the side.💯

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Jun 16Liked by Mary Kate Murray

Thanks for purchasing the book, Ginger!

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Jun 16Liked by Mary Kate Murray

I actually never tried a twist. I think that's Robert's preference as well.

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Jun 14Liked by Robert Simonson, Mary Kate Murray

Good to see you for a second and more fun movie chats with Asher! Also, sounds like a great book from your bro.

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What movies did you and Asher discuss?

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We spoke a lot about the Alien franchise, and then more in the horror/suspense drama. We mostly agree about Fury Road and Furiosa, though I think I enjoyed the latter more than he did.

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I liked it very much, though I do agree Fury Road is the superior film. But that's mainly because of the shock of the new factor Fury Road had as the first new Mad Max film in decades, and one that was technically superior to all that came before. Also, Charlize Theron gave such a great performance.

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I really like them both a lot. So much creativity!

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Jun 14Liked by Robert Simonson, Mary Kate Murray

Robert, as I had mentioned to you months and months back, I produced the OffBroadway theater awards, The Obies, for several years during the 1980s.

I was hopelessly enamored of the Chicago Theater Scene and I can’t wait to read your brother Eric’s book.

Also because he was in one of my most favorite plays that came to Broadway from Chicago - from Steppenwolf

- “The Grapes of Wrath “- with the book’s ending not the movie’s . Everything about that production was brilliant. It deserves a revival!

Wow. What a family! What a martini 🍸 thank you for this particularly apt on Tony weekend!

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You're right! The Tonys are this Sunday. I was lucky to see some fantastic productions during my time in Chicago, including the Hamlet with Aidan Quinn directed by Robert Falls, and productions at Wisdom Bridge, Remains, Next, Lifeline, Victory Gardens and many more. At Steppenwolf, I got to see Gary Kole, Joan Allen, John Mahoney, Laurie Metcalf, Terry Kinney and more all before they become famous.

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Jun 14Liked by Robert Simonson, Mary Kate Murray

Chicago really had the best 🎭. And comedy at Second City. One of the touring companies was appearing in the Village so I put them in the Obies!

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Jun 16Liked by Robert Simonson, Mary Kate Murray

Hey Amy, Thanks for your words. And thanks for using the correct preposition after the word enamored! All this talk about martinis is getting me thirsty. I hope you enjoy the book!

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Jun 16Liked by Robert Simonson, Mary Kate Murray

Thank you for noticing that preposition! I will IBDB “Grapes of Wrath”- so many in the cast were truly amazing - because I am old but that really is a recent pix of me - I forget everything- all I can remember top of head about the play was the water - the staging of which was brilliant. I can’t wait to read the book and I’ll write a note here about how much I will have enjoyed it. lol it’s a good thing there’s a Steppenwolf in Chicago. It is so necessary in a country like ours to have major theater companies in places other than NYC… especially companies that continue to refresh and renew. Your book is just as necessary- Congrats!

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Hey Eric, guess what I found yesterday when I was going through our storage unit in Jersey: the poster of The Grapes of Wrath signed by the entire cast, that you gave me back in 1990.

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Jun 16Liked by Robert Simonson

Oh man! Please take a pic and post!!

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It's all packed up again, but I'll have access to it again next week and will post an image.

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Jun 17Liked by Robert Simonson

Wow! I think I have one of those around somewhere.

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Jun 14Liked by Robert Simonson, Mary Kate Murray

Thanks for sharing your work & life Eric! I’d love to read it soon. Congrats !

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Jun 16Liked by Robert Simonson, Mary Kate Murray

Thanks, Joshua!

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Jun 16Liked by Robert Simonson, Mary Kate Murray

Thanks for the article, bro! it was worth it just to see that photo of you at the Tkts Booth! And thanks for posting the illustrations. I sometimes forget those were a part of the journey.

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You're still a good artist. I forgot you used to draw all the time.

That photo was from 1987 when I was a chaperone for one of mom's show choir trips to NYC. It was only my second visit to New York.

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Jun 16Liked by Robert Simonson, Mary Kate Murray

So long ago. Feels like another world. Are you counting the first time we went to NY during the bicentennial?

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No, because I didn't get to go on that trip. Just the older kids. My first sighting of New York was in 1986: Brooklyn Bridge, Katz's Deli, Maxwell's Plum, Times Square.

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