Cocktails and Culture
When I say "The Mix" is about "cocktails and culture," I'm merely saying it is a reflection of my long career as a journalist and author, at both The New York Times, where I’ve written more words about cocktails and spirits than any writer in the long history of that newspaper, and the many other publications. While the bulk of my words over the past 15 years or so have been devoted to cocktails, spirits, bars and bartenders--including the books The Old-Fashioned, A Proper Drink, 3-Ingredient Cocktails, The Martini Cocktail, Mezcal and Tequila Cocktails, Modern Classic Cocktails and, most recently, The Encyclopedia of Cocktails— I've also put in many enjoyable hours pursuing my other passions, including food, restaurants (mainly old ones), regional food traditions, hot dogs, travel, literature and book stores, New York history, Wisconsin stuff, cooking, and all sorts of whatnot. The Mix gathers all of that and more in one space.
I cover these subjects in all sorts of ways. During my decades as a writer, I've worn many hats: news reporter, feature writer, critic, interviewer, photographer, pundit, historian, etc. I bring all those roles and skills to The Mix, matching each particular role to the post and task at hand. The Mix is both serious and lighthearted, in-depth and breezy, new-oriented and opinionated, critical and supportive. There are recipes, reviews, opinions, profiles, photos, interviews, conversations, sound bites, remembrances, tributes and observations. What there isn’t on The Mix are any punches pulled or sponcon, as I am happily unbeholden and untethered to liquor interests. So, if you see me writing about a brand of spirits or a bar or even a person, I and I only have chosen to write about them.
But if you don’t want to take my word for it, consider that, in its short history, The Mix has been nominated for both an IACP Award and Spirited Award and won the 2024 IACP award for Food Writing.
Robert Simonson, Editor in Chief, Journalist and Photographer.
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